Denied 4233 Staff Application !


Established member
IGN (In Game Name):





GMT +2



Do you own a quality microphone?:

Yes, I do

Do you have Discord, Telegram & Teamspeak?:

Teamspeak : IkMyName

Discord : IkMyName#8436

Telegram : @IkMyName

Do you have any previous Staff Experience?:

I was Trial-Moderator in PyroHQ , Trial-Moderator on ZorexPvP , Admin on DrinkCraft , Moderator on PowersNetwork , Moderator at HygonHCF . Proofs Below

Why do you want to become Staff?:

I understand activity is necessary and I'm aware. This can be altered however as I am beginning to have time on my hands to come online and chat with the people on the server, from previous staff I've seen how important it is to be active which is why I will dedicate as much of my time to doing so.

Over the last years, I have seen staff members who have had a make or break careers based on whether they are respectful to the players which I feel is as equally important as getting respect from the players which I feel I have earned during my time as a player on the server. There is a big demand for interaction between staff and players so I also understand that I have to keep a level-headed approach to situations regardless of my opinions and issues with people. I will be caring about anything sensitive and take everything seriously regardless of how minor a situation may look in my eyes.

I would class myself as a thoughtful character as I know that being lonely or new can be intimidating. I've been in that position before to ask the silly questions so hence why I already do but could further persist to help people who are new and upcoming in the server. I think of people before myself because I know how much games and servers can mean to people as it was a major player in my life as well. I think about all the people who need that extra help whether it's just a simple "Where is this?" or a more complex "What do I do about this issue?" regardless of the issue I will help them out then continue to what I was doing.

Commitment to things is something that I have learned and gained through my own self-discipline and I will not go into telling you my life story but I became more dedicated to things and can really work at something when I set my mind to it. I've wanted this for a fairly long time now . A place on the staff team is an amazing opportunity and if I was to get the chance I would definitely work at my full potential and stay committed to the server as it's done for me for the last few years.

I'm Honest whether or not it affects someone in a good or negative way. This can be perceived as a good and a bad thing because I won't sugar-coat a situation. I don't see a reason to lie over a block game, to be frank. If there is something that needs the honest answer I won't hesitate to say it. Honesty is the key to being a helpful person. Constructive criticism is something that I value because it helps me improve my ability to do my role and so I also value other peoples honesty to tell me when things are wrong.

Maturity is something that I grew up to achieve, I can deal with situations much better than before, I'm not going to sit and blow up about them or get myself into a fuss. I will simply overview situations in a non-bias manner to allow myself to assess the whole situation before making the correct decision for the server.

I would say I'm a friendly person to talk to since I am free and willing to just chill and have a chat with players or staff. This may be partly to me being a familiar face on the server with lots of people knowing who I am. I know from personal experience that it can be a bit intimidating coming and asking someone for help. I know that well since I have had this issue before. I keep up a positive attitude all the time to make other people's experiences enjoyable, and I help people through PM's if someone is a little upset or need some advice/help.

I see people say that ranks get more attention and are trusted more than people without ranks. I, however, don't believe this is true as there are some of the nicest people I have met do not have a rank. No matter someone's rank, I will be there to help them and do what I can. I'm not going to bend the rules for friends. No matter if it's a friend, a foe or a person I'm not acquainted with, a rule breaker is a rule breaker and I won't hesitate to warn, mute or ban them according to the rule they have broken.

I've dealt with a lot of stuff in life. I have incredible determination to conquer any mountain that is put in front of me regardless of how many times it's going to take to do so. Persistence is also important to me since you can't always overcome things first time so you have to have a high level of persistence to get up and try again which is what I have.

I'm as helpful as I feel I can be. I will tackle an issue no matter how small or big with full force. I want to make sure everyone's game time will be enjoyable for them. I will still strive to make more of a conversation and be helpful to them.

I'm very trustworthy. I can be trusted to try my best to clear the server of rule breakers, and I can be trusted to sort out issues when they are given to me to resolve. I can be trusted with powers.

I'm a confident person. I won't let anything stop me from doing everything I can do to help out the situation. I will happily speak to anyone with no issue to get problems resolved and I can confidently help anyone in need that I come into contact with. If someone is doing something that breaks the rules, I am not afraid to stop them and give them the appropriate punishment.

Why should we accept you as a Staff?:

For this question, I would like to say with my maturity and trustworthy, you should hire me as a staff member. I would never disappoint you. I can make a big impact on the hacking and drama might start in the server. I know a lot about hacking and I can definitely tell who hacks. I am also quick to report people. I get the job done with initiative and preciseness. I don't report someone without thinking it through. For example, I go through the thought process of deciding whether or not it is against the rules and whether or not my evidence is good enough. Thought processes such as these are needed to get the job done as less mistakes are made when actions are thought through before they are done. I answer people's questions about the server all the time. I respond pretty quickly too so I don't make them wait too long, which could cause the to get impatient and disconnect. But sometimes, i often see alot of Advertisers going around on people's server where there were no mods on on that time. I will try my best to make the server as healthy and social as possible by staying online and responding to questions, requests, complains etc. I can handle long conversations and pressure without a problem, and I truly enjoy helping others with their problems because it gives yourself and the person you're helping a great feeling.

Can any staff member vouch for you?:


Additional Information:

I would like to thank anyone who has gone through this application and has read every word. Also I hope you liked my application!



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I literally suck at everything I have ever tried.
Hello @IkMyName, thank you for taking the time to apply for a staff position on our network. Unfortunately, your application has been denied due to one or more of these reasons;

- Lack of Playtime,
- Plagiarism,
- Immaturity / Toxicity,
- Lack of detail / Experience,
- Failing to meet the requirements.

You will be eligible to re-apply after two weeks. We suggest you take this time to improve your application.