
  1. S


    The racists chase us, they got into our base a bard, a rouge and 2 diamonds and it was 2.5 dtr away, we killed a diamond and the bard and the rouge put /panic and then the rouge was kicked by a staff, we defrosted it and we killed it and then the bard connected and shot f home froze
  2. M

    Denied Translator applications | minecraftero_go

    IGN (In-Game Name): minecraftero_go Age: 15 Timezone: GMT-5 Country: Ecuador How many hours can you put into the server per week?: por dia unas 8 horas y por semana 56 horas What language(s) do you currently speak?: español Do you have a good quality microphone?: Si Do you have Telegram &...
  3. M

    Denied IGN - Minepolisie

    Hello. I need a youtuber rank my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCQhFCt-1KzPouCLsZ_zcvg/videos "154 subscriber and 1428 viewers" I love sagepvp so much <3 I have viewers.