Search results

  1. Rigget

    Denied Streamer app

    IGN (In-Game Name): Zellow_ Twitch channel link: Amount of followers: 62 How many streams have you uploaded on the server?: 2 What are your average viewers per stream?: 10 I have also only done a total of 5 streams
  2. Rigget

    Denied Zellow staff application

    IGN (In-Game Name): Zellow_ Age: 17 Region (EU/NA/Other): Im EU gmt+4 so but its almost in the middle of all the time zones so I am really active. Do you have any previous staff experience?: I only have staffing experience on factions with cannons, but have staff on lots of different servers...
  3. Rigget

    Suggestion Base building

    Server : Squads IGN : Zellow_ Type of suggestion (teamfighting, ability item, rules, baseraiding, bugfixes, appearance) : Base building Suggestion : So if people arent on for sotw, i think when u have pvp timer u should be able to go into ur claim and build otherwise it just makes it so much...