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  1. T

    Denied lawyerwastaken's Staff Application

    +1 good detail experience mature
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    Denied Poomley Staff Application

    +1 great guy seen him staff on servers damn good
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    Denied TheLethalSlayers Staff Application

    Staff Application IGN (In-Game Name): TheLethalSlayer Age:16...
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    Denied Erzx_'s Staff Application [EU]

    Thanks bro
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    Denied Erzx_'s Staff Application [EU]

    Erzx just wanna say good luck to you bro
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    Denied TheLethalSlayer Staff Application.

    I’m gonna be a bigger man and beqiuet you are just hating
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    Denied TheLethalSlayer Staff Application.

    Why are you toxic man I am mature?
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    Denied TheLethalSlayer Staff Application.

    Have a nice night -1 lack of detail / no experience / toxic i do have experience
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    Denied TheLethalSlayer Staff Application.

    Staff Application Format: IGN (In-Game Name):TheLethalSlayer Age:16 Region (EU/NA/Other):Na Do you have any previous staff experience?: I do have previous staff experience versai and apthosnetwork, one a hcf server and one a kit pvp Server at The Time I was trainee and once a mod so now I have...
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    Denied TheLethalSlayer staff app

    IGN (In-Game Name):TheLethalSlayer Age:16 Region (EU/NA/Other):NA Do you have any previous staff experience?:yes versai apathos network Why would you like to become a staff member?:I would like to become a staff member to help sage become a better community and to bring more players and have...