Search results

  1. harry006

    Denied idk

    -1 lack of detail
  2. harry006

    Denied Juiici (EU)

  3. harry006

    Denied Representiings Staff Application (AU)

    can you squeeze a little bit more?
  4. harry006

    Denied DELETED!

  5. harry006

    Denied Elize's Staff Application [AU]

    -1, stated above
  6. harry006

    Denied Rosemerie Staff Application (SA)

  7. harry006

    Denied DELETED

  8. harry006

    Denied Harry's Staff Application [EU]

  9. harry006

    Denied Harry's Staff Application [EU]

    Yeah I respond above, I was debating on cave and sage and picked cave but found out I need playtime so I changed but end up getting denied anyways for lack of playtime
  10. harry006

    Denied Harry's Staff Application [EU]

    If your good friends with AkondaPvP you could of asked him.
  11. harry006

    Denied Harry's Staff Application [EU]

    Sorry, that was my bad I was debating on applying on cave or sage so I picked cave without knowing I need playtime so I removed my app an changed to sage. dm me on tele for proof @ignharry
  12. harry006

    Denied Harry's Staff Application [EU]

    IGN (In-Game Name) harry006 Age 15 Region (EU/NA/Other) EU Do you have any previous staff experience? Rank: Owner Proof: Still own this, currently closed Rank: Admin Proof: none (can't find any contacts) Rank: Manager Proof: None (QPL's Social got disabled)...