Search results

  1. T


    Please try and be patient, we are kind of full on helpers at the moment but if not i'm sure Arctic will look at your application soon.
  2. T

    Denied Moderator Application

    -1 lack of detail everywhere as well as you start out as helper.
  3. T


    Glad someone actually put time into helping others, Great job!
  4. T

    Denied 8LN Staff Aplication

    -1, lacks detail in each section, space it out a bit to make it easier to read.
  5. T

    Denied n/a

    +0.5, it looks like a decent application but I would but a little more detail into why you want to be staff and why we should choose you.
  6. T

    Denied Trickery Staff Application

    -1 reasons stated above.
  7. T

    Denied I_DidntDo_It's Staff application

    -1, lack of detail
  8. T

    Denied Vaultings Trial-Mod Application

    -1, lack of detail everywhere, add some spacing, detail and color for it's easier to read, and ill change my -1.
  9. T

    Denied Lakenn's Staff Application

    -1 Reasons stated above
  10. T

    Denied Writtens Staff Application

    -1 Lack of detail in every section, add some detail and some spacing/color and itll change to a +1
  11. T

    Denied BluberryYT´s Staff application

    +0.5, its an ok application, but i feel as if it could use some work
  12. T

    Denied Staff apply FpsDrops EU

    -1, I would add more detail, and maybe add some color/space it out to make it easier to read
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    Denied xaie's moderator application

    +1 pretty good app
  14. T

    Denied Staff Application-[Alin27 ]

    +0.5 i would make it a fully 1 but there are reasons stated above that make me lower it, its good application in all but you seem a little immature.
  15. T

    Denied Droppin's Staff Application

    I would add more information everywhere to be honest, put a little bit more time and effort into the application, space it out a little bit more for it's easier to read and like I said before just add more information everywhere.
  16. T

    Denied GymClass's Staff APP

    I would add addition information like everywhere, maybe organize the application a little bit better, space it out better.