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    Denied coatto's application

    -1 Plagiarized
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    Denied xHopOff's Staff Application

    +0.25 Add more details, I would suggest getting someone to vouch for you, the Management Team looks also for that, good luck!
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    Denied awiana's Staff Application

    + 0.5 Good application, I'm confused on the vouch part, can you link me your past igns?
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    Denied Drailed's Staff Application

    Neutral ily, but add more details
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    Denied SnowFlower's Staff Application

    Neutral Add more details, good luck!
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    skracker's Staff Tier List

    Official SagePvP Staff List This list contains the current list of SagePvP Staff Members Owner Jacob [EU]: 6.5/10 - Despite his inactivity, he's a good owner Manager Arcticcc [NA]: 6/10 - He's a nice guy, he's inactive tho Recruits [NA]: 7.5/10 - He's a good staff member but I honestly didn't...
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    Accepted Averred's Staff Application [EU]

    you are a really nice guy if they give you another chance that would be fine anyways you are a good staff member mate!
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    Denied PBamford's Staff Application (GMT / EU)

    Neutral It's hard to read, add more details, good luck mate!
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    Denied Solidqrity's Staff Application

    +0.25 Add more details, good luck!
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    Denied delete

    +0.75 the application is well written, I would give you a chance, However, vouches count, whenever you are applying somewhere try to get at least a vouch from a moderator (not helpers/t-mods it doesn't look nice in the management point of view).
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    Denied Staff Application

    Neutral Add more details and it will look better!
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    Denied Cerrar's Staff Application

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    Denied Application for Staff

    Neutral I know you, you are chill and a nice guy, but I would try applying somewhere else to be more experienced and to improve your English as well.
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    Accepted Averred's Staff Application [EU]

    Neutral You are a cool guy, however, I find really hard giving you a 4th chance, good luck mate!
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    Denied DarkFlqme/Staff Application

    Neutral Add more details, put spacers between each question, good luck!
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    Denied vMarcux Latvian Translator Application

    Application Denied. We are not in the need of Latvian translators at the moment. Please contact me on telegram at a later date to find out if we need Latvian translators. My telegram is @skrackerinho. Thank you for applying on SagePvP, you may re-apply after a week has passed. Kind regards...