Search results

  1. Unkindness

    Denied CustomPlus's Staff Application [USA]

    +1 Great application I like it.
  2. Unkindness

    Denied Staff Application

  3. Unkindness

    Denied Inparing's Staff App

    -1 - No detail. - Wasting Managers time. - Doesn't meet requirements
  4. Unkindness

    Denied I want to become a staff member to help the Community of

    -1 - Clearly a troll application. - Didn't follow the formatting. - Doesn't meet the requirements. - Didn't use the proper heading. Stop wasting Managers time.
  5. Unkindness

    Denied Application for Staff The real one real awners a swear

    -1 - Lack of detail - Troll app. - No effort - Doesn’t meet requirements. Stop wasting the managers time.
  6. Unkindness

    Denied Archered - [US]

    -1 - Lack of details. - Doesn't meet the requirement, "- Must be an active member of the forums and the server". - No proof of staff positions. - And also no using third party websites. "- You may not apply using other links (ex. google docs)"
  7. Unkindness

    Denied BillySlaps's Staff Appliaction!

    -0.5 - Decent detail add more on all parts. - No color scheme. - Doesn't meet the requirement "- Must be an active member of the forums and the server" - Provide staff proof of staff positions.
  8. Unkindness

    Denied _TheSuperMango's Staff Application

    -1 - No color scheme. - Lack of detail. - Doesn't meet the requirement "- Must be an active member of the forums and the server". - No proof of staff experience. - Not professional. "I stop mc for 1 reason but I am back bitch xd"
  9. Unkindness

    Denied tooOBVious [EU]

    -1 - Doesn't meet the requirement. "- Must be an active member of the forums and the server" - A lot of Grammatical mistakes. - Doesn't have a lot of detail on "Why do you want to become staff?".
  10. Unkindness

    Denied zaque20 staff app

    -1 - Lack of detail. - Doesn't meet the requirement (- Must be an active member of the forums and the server) - A lot of grammatical mistakes.
  11. Unkindness

    Denied Staff app

    -1 - No detail - A lot of grammatical issues. - Doesn't meet the requirement (- Must be an active member of the forums and the server)
  12. Unkindness

    Denied 7c91 staff app (EU)

    -1 - Doesn't meet certain requirements. (You must be at least 15 years old, Must be an active member of the forums and the server.) - Not enough detail. - No color scheme.
  13. Unkindness

    Denied TerrorClientUser's Staff Application

    0 - Add a little bit more detail to "Why do you want to become staff?" - Hard to read no color scheme. - Active in game. - Meets set requirements.
  14. Unkindness

    Denied Staff application

    -1 - Lack of detail. - Doesn't meet set requirements. (Must be an active member of the forums and the server) - No proof of staff positions.
  15. Unkindness

    Denied Staff application

    -1 - Lack of detail on every part of the application. - Doesn't meet the set requirements. (- Must be an active member of the forums and the server) - No proof of staff positions.
  16. Unkindness

    Denied Ftipe Staff Application

    -1 - Can barely read without my eyes bleeding. - No color scheme. - No effort whatsoever. - Not good enough detail. - Doesn't meet the set requirements. - Has been demoted for being toxic to other players as staff we don't need that in this community.
  17. Unkindness

    Denied Staff Application [EU]

    -1 - Doesn't meet certain requirements. - Lack of detail on "Why should we Accept you As Staff". - Please provide proof of being staff on these servers.
  18. Unkindness

    Denied Staff Application

    -1 - Lack of detail. - Doesn't meet a certain requirement. - Typing on keyboard doesn't really matter. - No experience on how to staff for HCF gamemode.
  19. Unkindness

    Denied milkmanm002's Application NA

    -1 - No color scheme. - No detail whatsoever. - No microphone. - Don't meet all the requirements.