Search results

  1. Essenced

    Denied FlushaAimGlock Staff Applications

    -1 Add detail to all the important questions.
  2. Essenced

    Denied Staff Application

    -.5 I don't like the color formatting.
  3. Essenced

    Denied x

    -1 Doesn't meet age requirement.
  4. Essenced

    Denied Staff Application

  5. Essenced

    Denied Dogyy [EU] Staff Application

  6. Essenced

    Denied Solidqrity's Staff Application

  7. Essenced

    Denied Turnors staff app

    -.5 | No HCF experience. I recommend going to smaller HCF servers and being Staff on them before applying for a big server like Sage.
  8. Essenced

    Denied SilxnceHCF Staff Application

    -1 Lack of Detail