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  1. Critiql

    Denied Critiql Staff Application

    Is the clown in your name?
  2. Critiql

    Denied staff app EU

    Did u just +1 ur own app?
  3. Critiql

    Denied staff app EU

    -1 no detail, no proof of staff, no anything, good luck!
  4. Critiql

    Denied Staff application

    -1 no
  5. Critiql

    Denied hosai Staff Apply

    -1 just everything
  6. Critiql

    Denied Staff Application

    -1 lol no
  7. Critiql

    Denied Staff Applcation [EU]

    -1 stated above
  8. Critiql

    Denied Tillyz's Staff Application [EU]

    -1 stated above
  9. Critiql

    Denied Critiql Staff Application

    Are you talking about different sage forum accounts? I made a separate account for my new IGN I hope this clears it up.
  10. Critiql

    Accepted Wyling's Famous Application

    -1 stated above
  11. Critiql

    Denied Critiql Staff Application

    No, i have changed my name. Those tweaks that i made were enough to satisfy staff managers.
  12. Critiql

    Denied Critiql Staff Application

    I have just looked through all the staff applications that have been posted. You are just copy and pasting your response to everyone. Even people who had sufficient detail you put had no detail.
  13. Critiql

    Denied Critiql Staff Application

    Thank you for the feedback! I copied my old staff app because the staff managers said i could use the same application if i made some tweeks and changes. I dont have any alts though.
  14. Critiql

    Denied Critiql Staff Application

    Are you just copying and pasting this same response to every staff application? Im not shadowlegend.
  15. Critiql

    Denied Staff Application

    -1 stated above
  16. Critiql

    Denied ros/Ari's Staff Application

    -1 stated above
  17. Critiql

    Denied Critiql Staff Application

    Sorry, but i do not understand what you are saying, can you please rephrase it?
  18. Critiql

    Denied Critiql Staff Application

    Yes, proof.
  19. Critiql

    Denied Critiql Staff Application

    I know this, which is why i will not be arguing this matter. Thank you again!
  20. Critiql

    Denied Critiql Staff Application

    Got it! A lot of people have said i have sufficient detail, where should i add detail?