Search results

  1. fruuit

    Denied My Staff Application | Fruuty | NA

    IGN (In-Game Name): fruuty Age: 14 Timezone: EST Do you have any previous staff experience? (If so, list them below): HCRival.COM: HCRival is a good server with an average of 150+ players on every SOTW. I was Helper before being demoted due to “immaturity”. Proof...
  2. fruuit

    PowerPuff Recruitment!!!

    PowerPuffs Is Recruiting!! Requirements - Must be 14+ years of age. - A decent microphone - Must be decent at PvP - Have a playtime of 2+ hours daily. What to expect from us! - A well-ran HCF Faction - Equal payout [If F-Top Reward] - Active HCF Faction - A serious, hard-working faction...
  3. fruuit

    Denied Fruit's Staff Application [NA]

    IGN (In-Game Name): fruuty Age: 14 Timezone: EST Do you have any previous staff experience? (If so, list them below): Verux.CC: Verux was a decently successful server, On the first release it achieved 170+ Players with some advertisement. I was Senior-Mod before I got demoted due to applying on...