Search results

  1. Frath

    Denied My staff Application

    -1 - Stated Above
  2. Frath

    Denied PREDATORPASTOR staff application

    Neutral - No evidence of you being staff. +Well written application.
  3. Frath

    Denied Internalists Staff Application

    -1 -Lack of Detail -(recommend) adding proof to "Do you have any previous staff experience?"
  4. Frath

    Denied qtSwag's Staff Application

    -1 Stated Above
  5. Frath

    Denied Tewapt's Staff Application!!!!

    -1 -Stated Above
  6. Frath

    Denied ZipYourNose Staff Application

    -1 - Lack of Detail - Not much of Staff Experience
  7. Frath

    Denied Rmbgs staff app

    -1 -No Experience -Lack of Detail
  8. Frath

    Denied Staff Application

    -1 -Lack of detail
  9. Frath

    Denied bannedforcheats (United States | EST)

    Thank you! Hope you get it.
  10. Frath

    Denied 16potted's Staff Application

    -1 - Lack of detail - No proof that you were staff on those servers.
  11. Frath

    Denied Khus Staff Application

    -1 -Should add more detail to your application -Need proof that you were staff on those servers
  12. Frath

    Denied HaBloh's Staff Application

    Thank You.
  13. Frath

    Denied Removed.

    -1 Really toxic.
  14. Frath

    Denied HaBloh's Staff Application

    Ok, Thank you for your response.
  15. Frath

    Denied HaBloh's Staff Application

    False, You were admin on StrafeMC and you got demoted because your friend and you were (Opping) everyone. Also Im not the Owner, Im a Head Admin,. Ashton Is the Owner not me.
  16. Frath

    Denied 4fz's staff application

    -1 +Lack of detail + Exlpain more about (If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:)
  17. Frath

    Denied HaBloh's Staff Application

    Thank you for your feedback. I will try and fix it.
  18. Frath

    Denied lentiggini (EU)

    -1 + Lack of details. + Try telling us how you got demoted. If you fix the following errors, I will change my -1 to a +1.
  19. Frath

    Denied HaBloh's Staff Application

    Thank you for your feedback.