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  1. Conservable

    Denied Internalists Staff Application

    velt doesn't even have trial mod..
  2. Conservable

    Denied Revisers Staff Application

    pick, cave or sage
  3. Conservable

    Denied Mineo's Staff Application

    +1 chance to gain experience
  4. Conservable

    Denied 9047's Staff Application [North America]

    -1 19 servers, seem like a server hopper
  5. Conservable

    Denied B0XIN [EU/UK]

    bro why are you so trigered lol
  6. Conservable

    Denied B0XIN [EU/UK]

    +1 deserves an opportunity at a larger server :)
  7. Conservable

    Denied Deleted

    -1 applied while staff on a server, shows a lack of loyalty
  8. Conservable

    Denied zuyna. (Staff Application)

    when were you at velt
  9. Conservable

    Denied classicisux's Staff Application

    +1 seems mature, always a positive
  10. Conservable

    Denied Jiro's | Staff Application [EU]

    you faked the discord screenshot as well, the person with "New beginnings" as their custom status is Spookays, not you.
  11. Conservable

    Denied Jiro's | Staff Application [EU]

    -1 that is a lot of faked proof, you were never at velt lmao
  12. Conservable

    Denied zootzee's Staff App

    proof of being staff on velt and arcane?
  13. Conservable

    Denied Staff Application ( EU )

    whole lotta -1's
  14. Conservable

    Denied piccioni's staff application [EU]

    -1 before you resigned on cave you were double staffing.
  15. Conservable

    Denied P8B's Staff Application

  16. Conservable

    Denied ItsLunz (Staff Application)

    -1 Threatened to swat the management and ownership team of Vyrix, there is also proof of him saying that he is going to swat them.