Search results

  1. L

    Denied SmellyBoy96 Staff Application (EU)(Enforceing)

    +1 -user is very kind, and would make a good fit for the staff team
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    Denied (US) kirikizu | Staff Application

    much love, thank u very much
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    Denied (US) kirikizu | Staff Application

    thank u very much!
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    Denied (US) kirikizu | Staff Application

    i completely agree, thank u
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    Denied (US) kirikizu | Staff Application

    thank u <3
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    Denied IMakeYourMad Staff Application {Helper}

    -2 user talks a lot of trash towards my faction absolutely 0 detail in every section
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    Denied (US) kirikizu | Staff Application

    thats why im trying to branch out and EARN that experience
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    Denied (US) kirikizu | Staff Application

    IGN (In Game Name): kirikizu Age: 16 Timezone: CST Country: United States Do you own a quality microphone?: Yes Do you have Discord, Telegram & Teamspeak?: I have Teamspeak & Discord. ━━━━━━━━━━ Do you have any previous Staff Experience?: I was staff on one server server that I can genuinely say...
  9. L

    Denied Staff Apply

    -1 absolutely 0 effort towards this application / not even CLOSE to enough detail