Search results

  1. Kailya

    Announcement SagePvP Reboot Update ♻️

    Good Evening, I hope everyone is doing well. I want to introduce you all to our REBOOT UPDATE! Before we move onto the updates I wanted to take the time to apologise for the lack of updates and announcements recently on behalf of sage. We have been working behind the scenes to make this update...
  2. Kailya

    Accepted Translator Apply

    Application Accepted!! Please dm me on telegram @Silicones or discord @submissive to do an interview! I look forward to hearing from you!
  3. Kailya

    Denied Translator Application

    denied, Thankyou For applying but we are not looking for bulgarian translators at this point in time.
  4. Kailya

    Denied Translator application - PotMain

    denied, Thankyou For applying but we are not looking for portuguese translators at this point in time.
  5. Kailya

    Denied Translator Apply

  6. Kailya

    Denied Fawzy's translator application.

    Denied, we are not currently looking for more dutch translators. Thankyou for applying
  7. Kailya

    Denied Transalator Apply

    Denied, Thankyou for applying!
  8. Kailya

    Denied translator PENNIS

    Pending! Please dm me on telegram @Silicones or discord @submissive to set up an interview!
  9. Kailya

    Denied Translator Application

    Hello, Thankyou for applying but we are not currently looking for this type of translator. !
  10. Kailya

    Denied Translator application RealBas

    Pending! Please dm me on tele @Silicones or on disocrd @submissive to set up an interview
  11. Kailya

    Accepted Translator application

    Pending! Please dm @Silicones on telegram to set up an interview!
  12. Kailya

    Denied jcdeys translator application

    Denied Your application has been denied due to the fact we are not currently looking for translators for these languages. Thankyou for applying!
  13. Kailya

    Denied Translator Application - YaIvan

    Denied Your application has been denied due to the fact we are not currently looking for translators for these languages. Thankyou for applying!
  14. Kailya

    Denied Crating Translator Application

  15. Kailya

    Accepted Translator application

    Application Pending! Please contact me on telegram @Silicones or on discord @submissive to set up an interview! I look forward to hearing from you soon!