Denied Builder Application for ign: 1NfuN1ty

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1. There is
I didn't have much experience, but I learned to build a little on singleplayer
3 I have telegram - @Younglal and TeamSpeak - 1nFun1ty
IGN: 1NfuN1ty
Age - 14
Time Zone - UTC +07:00 Krasnoyarsk
Telegram: @Yunglal
Portfolio -
Previous experiences - Well, as there was not much experience, I was a bit of a builder on this server, but the previous manager did not like the construction, and he decided to remove me.I think I can help you build . I kind of like building kothis.
How many hours can you put in each week? - Well, if a day is from 5 hours, since school started, then a week somewhere in the region of 50-75 hours.
Why would you like to become a builder? -Well, firstly, for the sake of interest, and secondly, I play on this server and I would like to see my buildings on the server. Thirdly, just as my friend Quellty (ArgoBard) and I like to build, we are not so "WOW" builders, but not terrible either.
Team members that can vouch for you - Well, I don't have them, because I am Russian, and in fact there are no Russians on the builder.
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