Recent content by xRiften

  1. xRiften

    Denied Mod application

  2. xRiften

    Denied Hesitate's Staff Application [EU]

    -1, Seems like you have a very bad history with alot of players.
  3. xRiften

    Denied Adressser Staff Application

    +1 Good Experience, A lot of detail.
  4. xRiften

    Denied momokiller2007's Staff Application

    -0.5 Good Application, Not enough experience.
  5. xRiften

    Denied Wierdhuh's Application

    -1 Reasons stated above.
  6. xRiften

    Denied Jaxck [EU]

    +1 Great Application, Seems to have put alot of effort into it. Great experience too!