Recent content by Vuxio

  1. Vuxio

    Denied Vuxio's Staff Application

    Much appreciated!
  2. Vuxio

    Denied Vuxio's Staff Application

    Reserved for updates. 6/28/23 - Added screenshot proof for ViperMC
  3. Vuxio

    Denied Vuxio's Staff Application

    ↬ IGN (In-Game Name): Vuxio ↬ Age: 20 ↬ Region (EU/NA/Other): NA ↬ Do you have any previous staff experience?: NOTE: Previous experience was under the username Zackbb/Zifud. Owner - Visage (bought from original owner) Platform Admin - PvPGym (When Landen owned it) Senior Admin - HCRiots Admin -...
  4. Vuxio

    Denied unteach's staff application

    -1 Stated above
  5. Vuxio

    Denied Staff Application

    -1, [-] No experience [-] Lack of detail.
  6. Vuxio

    Denied AizenIq's staff application.

    Neutral, [+] Lots of experience [-] Too much color, I would suggest to make your application one color. Its hard to read with all the colors.