Recent content by TaintedWatersOG

  1. T

    Denied IMakeYourMad Apply

    -1 Lack of detail and very toxic
  2. T

    Denied Dousan87 Staff Application

    -1 No detail Previously demoted and immature
  3. T

    Denied overdrives' Staff Application

    -1 Lack of detail and too young
  4. T

    Denied Austin's App [EU]

    -1 Previously demoted and immature
  5. T

    Denied ZeroAndMidget's Builder

    Not being rude, but these builds are not up to the standards of the build team in any way.
  6. T

    Denied -=+=- Sauds' Staff Application -=+=- 【 EU 】

    +1 Needs to be staff again, was great and was not demoted and did not leave on bad terms.
  7. T

    Denied Sorry deleted ;(

    +1 deserves another chance but needs to start back at helper.
  8. T

    Denied Staff App

    -1 No effort
  9. T

    Denied AntViv's Builder Application

    +1 Looks good
  10. T

    Accepted Builder application [AU]

    Looks good.