Recent content by Setonic

  1. Setonic

    How? and who are you?

    How? and who are you?
  2. Setonic

    Denied Setonic's Staff Application. [NA]

    I don't get what you mean by age matters you could be 13 and still extremely mature.
  3. Setonic

    Denied Setonic's Staff Application. [NA]

    Just a question but why does age matter?
  4. Setonic

    Denied Setonic's Staff Application. [NA]

    Doing that right now. Thanks for the feedback!
  5. Setonic

    Denied Setonic's Staff Application. [NA]

    I will add detail. Thanks for the feedback!
  6. Setonic

    Denied Setonic's Staff Application. [NA]

    IGN (In-Game Name): Setonic Age: 13 (I have permission from Botings) Timezone: PST Do you have any previous staff experience? (If so, list them below): HCDreams | Mod | LegionHCF | Trial-Mod |...
  7. Setonic

    Denied Setonic Staff app (Updated) [NA]

    I just have beef with Nohaxjusttrans and he always says stuff about me and it gets me triggered but I am just going to stop and ignore him completely.
  8. Setonic

    Denied Setonic Staff app (Updated) [NA]

    Not anymore I resigned.
  9. Setonic

    Denied Setonic Staff app (Updated) [NA]

    I have made it not bold anymore and I would like you to tell me where I am lacking detail
  10. Setonic

    Denied Setonic Staff app (Updated) [NA]

    Please tell me where it is lacking detail. Thanks-Setonic
  11. Setonic

    Denied Setonic Staff app (Updated) [NA]

    I have changed my staff app. Thanks for the feedback!
  12. Setonic

    Denied Setonic Staff app (Updated) [NA]

    IGN (In-Game Name): Setonic Age: age 13 (my voice isn't the deepest) Timezone: PST Do you have any previous staff experience? (If so, list them below): HCDreams | Mod | LegionHCF | Trial-Mod |...