Recent content by rxmix

  1. rxmix

    Denied rxmix’s staff app

    Considering that it flagged the line “I plan to be of help in any player of need” basically proves that the checker is bs, lmao, how many people do you think have used that exact language? I’d bet a lot. Perhaps it was from my application a few years back for another server, some of my lines in...
  2. rxmix

    Denied rxmix’s staff app

    Fair enough. But I do value your feedback, so thank you wpo!
  3. rxmix

    Denied rxmix’s staff app

    You’re kinda crapping up my application comment section. I think you should just put your -1 and move onto the next. It’s making the thread look messy.
  4. rxmix

    Denied rxmix’s staff app

    Thanks for the feedback, I changed up the colors, hope that’s better. I guess I should also mention I am part of the HCRival staff team as a translator and work with the Senior Admins. I will add that.
  5. rxmix

    Denied rxmix’s staff app

    I just don’t really use forums now that discord has become more popular. Don’t just jump to conclusions as well, that’s not a fair assumption at all. Wow.
  6. rxmix

    Denied godmeme (Canada)

    +1 I think this dudes pretty chill and he’s got good experience. This would be a great pickup for the staff team
  7. rxmix

    Denied CrunchHowey's Staff Application

    -1 Lack of detail throughout
  8. rxmix

    Denied rxmix’s staff app

    I value that feedback, Horizon, I will take that into consideration and try to tune up my application. Thanks!
  9. rxmix

    Denied rxmix’s staff app

    I appreciate the feedback
  10. rxmix

    Denied rxmix’s staff app

    Care to explain how and I can improve it instead of just saying -1, doesn’t really help much.
  11. rxmix

    Denied rxmix’s staff app

    I’m sorry you feel that way, however, co-owning a server is quite an experience to have. It was a long time ago but I will try to dig up some proof. The color is subjective, so I will keep it how it is for now.
  12. rxmix

    Denied holdbardeffect's staff application

    -1 The servers you were staff on are not known at all. I have played HCF for over 5 years and have NEVER heard of any of those servers. The bold text is also extremely hard to read. Word around the community is that you’re toxic as well.
  13. rxmix

    Denied rxmix’s staff app

    It actually is the correct form and you don’t have to use colors, but I will if you insist. It also states my experience. Don’t just devouch me, especially if you’re a new member... lmao. Seems like you only have been putting -1 on peoples applications and have been saying the same exact thing...
  14. rxmix

    Denied rxmix’s staff app

    IGN (In-Game Name): rxmix Age: 18 Timezone: CST Do you have any previous staff experience? (If so, list them below): I was actually co-owner/creator of my own server PvP Kingdoms, and we operated for about 2 years with a maximum of 250+ concurrent players. We shut it down, frankly, it...