Recent content by Quuze

  1. Quuze

    New video :)

  2. Quuze

    Accepted Quuze Famous

  3. Quuze

    Accepted Quuze Famous

    IGN (In-Game Name): SplitYoFace YouTube/Twitch channel link: Amount of subscribers: 705 How many videos have you uploaded on the server?: 12 which are public and another 20 which are private How many videos do you plan to upload on...
  4. Quuze

    Problem fixed

  5. Quuze

    Denied Remove Debuffs

  6. Quuze

    got false banned by TwqntysK

  7. Quuze

    Mr3ms Past

  8. Quuze

    Accepted Re did

    +0.5 Good builds but wish you would add more on how you would improve the team because we already have people who take detail into perspective
  9. Quuze

    i just got suspended

    Hey if you feel you was falsely banned please make a ban appeal at
  10. Quuze

    Please don't start conversations for appeals.

    Please don't start conversations for appeals.
  11. Quuze

    Denied Deadtown's Staff Application

    Neutral add more detail Good Luck.
  12. Quuze

    Denied Healed staff application

    -1 Lacks a lot of detail look at other applications for example Good Luck.
  13. Quuze

    Denied Staff Application

    Neutral Good staff experience but lacks detail Good Luck.
  14. Quuze

    Denied Staff Application

    -1 Reason stated above ^ Good Luck.