Recent content by letmecap

  1. letmecap

    Denied letmecap's Staff Application

    I explained that in the messages above ^^
  2. letmecap

    Denied letmecap's Staff Application

    Thanks <3
  3. letmecap

    Denied letmecap's Staff Application

    anything i can fix?
  4. letmecap

    Denied letmecap's Staff Application

    yes sirrr
  5. letmecap

    Denied letmecap's Staff Application

    I have my application from Rival saved yes, but its not the exact same, some of it is but most of it isn't.
  6. letmecap

    Denied letmecap's Staff Application

    ok so, this is what I was able to find. (his application was denied for plagiarism) he said "I dont know" when I asked if he copied his application, which you would think he would know if he...
  7. letmecap

    Denied letmecap's Staff Application

    About the copied application thing, I'm pretty sure he copied my application from a few months ago when I applied on HCRival, I am trying to find proof of it but because the server went down, and the forums arent up its pretty hard to find. Ill reply again if I find anything.
  8. letmecap

    Denied letmecap's Staff Application

    IGN (In-Game Name): letmecap Age: 16 Region: NA Do you have any previous staff experience?: PvPLodge Rank: Moderator PvPLodge was a decent server, I worked hard on it daily but it shut down so I was unable to continue staffing on it. JurassicMC Rank: Administrator Jurassic was a great server...