Recent content by Frath

  1. Frath

    Denied My staff Application

    -1 - Stated Above
  2. Frath

    Denied PREDATORPASTOR staff application

    Neutral - No evidence of you being staff. +Well written application.
  3. Frath

    Denied Internalists Staff Application

    -1 -Lack of Detail -(recommend) adding proof to "Do you have any previous staff experience?"
  4. Frath

    Denied qtSwag's Staff Application

    -1 Stated Above
  5. Frath

    Denied Tewapt's Staff Application!!!!

    -1 -Stated Above
  6. Frath

    Denied ZipYourNose Staff Application

    -1 - Lack of Detail - Not much of Staff Experience
  7. Frath

    Denied Rmbgs staff app

    -1 -No Experience -Lack of Detail
  8. Frath

    Denied Staff Application

    -1 -Lack of detail
  9. Frath

    Denied bannedforcheats (United States | EST)

    Thank you! Hope you get it.
  10. Frath

    Denied 16potted's Staff Application

    -1 - Lack of detail - No proof that you were staff on those servers.
  11. Frath

    Denied Khus Staff Application

    -1 -Should add more detail to your application -Need proof that you were staff on those servers
  12. Frath

    Denied HaBloh's Staff Application

    Thank You.
  13. Frath

    Denied Removed.

    -1 Really toxic.
  14. Frath

    Denied HaBloh's Staff Application

    Ok, Thank you for your response.