Recent content by ciccioni

  1. ciccioni

    Denied Staff application

    are you serious man? -1
  2. ciccioni

    skracker's Staff Tier List

    sij a vita mij ammò❤️ - ciccioni aka piccioni PS ti saluta Simone.
  3. ciccioni

    Averred’s Staff Tier List (V2)

    I am no more Helper broow
  4. ciccioni

    SellPhone's Staff Tier List

  5. ciccioni

    Ross' Staff Tier List <3

  6. ciccioni

    Denied TaliPearleds' Staff Application

    is this a joke?
  7. ciccioni

    Denied Internalists Staff Application

    This must be a joke
  8. ciccioni

    Denied Noobidied's Staff Application

    Neutral You have failed your trial period on Cave. When you get demoted you have started being toxic asf and you were cheating.
  9. ciccioni

    Denied Carbonise's Staff Application

    -1 Toxic player
  10. ciccioni

    Denied -=-=-H0MESCHOOL-=-=-

  11. ciccioni

    Denied Alfay's Staff Application [EU/RO]

    -1 Server Hopper
  12. ciccioni

    I’m back

  13. ciccioni

    Denied Staff Application
  14. ciccioni

    Denied piccioni's staff application [EU]

    What should I edit?