Recent content by Boee

  1. Boee

    Denied IgnEnigma's Staff Application

    -1 Stated Above.
  2. Boee

    Denied Staff Application

    -1 Stated Above.
  3. Boee

    Denied WazeemHBTL - Staff Application

    -1 (-1) Lack of detail (-1) Lack of experience Best of luck! BoeexD.
  4. Boee

    Denied Please, Delete

    Hey there, Thanks for your feedback. Kind Regards.
  5. Boee

    Denied Please, Delete

    Hey there, Thanks for your feedback. I will try to add more detail on "If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?:" Kind Regards.
  6. Boee

    Denied Please, Delete

    Hey there, Thanks for your feedback. I actually am at a point that I feel comfortable with my staffing experience and skills. Even though I staffed on servers with 40-60 player base. Kind Regards.
  7. Boee

    Denied Please, Delete

    Hey there, Thanks for your feedback, That's the reason I am applied on sage, I am also comfortable with my staffing experience and skills. Kinds Regards.
  8. Boee

    Denied Please, Delete

    Hey there, Thanks for letting me know, I will try my best to improve that part of my application. Kind regards.
  9. Boee

    Denied Please, Delete
