Recent content by 10000K

  1. 10000K

    vMaxwell Staff Tier List

  2. 10000K

    Denied Staff Application

  3. 10000K

    Denied Axxayy's Staff Apply

  4. 10000K

    Denied Staff Applications

  5. 10000K

    Denied Elize's Staff Application [AU]

    +1 I mean... yeah?
  6. 10000K

    Denied 2x12 [eu]

    +1 Best Boi - Best Staff.
  7. 10000K

    Denied 10000K's Staff Application

    Thanks :D
  8. 10000K

    Denied 10000K's Staff Application

    IGN (In-Game Name) 10000K Age 17 Timezone GMT/BST (EU) Do you have any previous staff experience? (If so, list them below) Yes, I have staff experience in being staff on 3 different servers: VanityMC: Within this server, I achieved the rank of Helper, After receiving this rank, I instantly...