Denied Muffinking3's Staff Application [U.S]

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IGN (In-Game Name):

I also am known as Dongle, Bahar, ClientGUI, and Matchers


Region (EU/NA/Other):
North America (NA)
Do you have any previous staff experience?:

Yes I do, In fact here is a list of my previous staff experience along with some information
about what happened on those servers.

Here is proof of all my staff experience.

VaultPvP 2.0
Senior Mod
Resignation or Demotion:
VaultPvP was the first HCF server I was staff on. This is was what started my journey to become staff on HCF servers.
VaultPvP Taught me the basics of being a staff member along with how to screen share

Position: Senior-Admin
Resignation or Demotion:
I was recruited onto the HCPrimal staff team by one of their managers (ShotbowXD) before the initial release of the server. He had also been the previous manager and on VaultPvP and had kept me in mind and knew I was new to staffing but knew what I was doing so he had told me to apply and he would set up an interview for me. HCPrimal was where I learned the basic responsibilities of being a head-staff member.

Position: Platform-Admin
Resignation or Demotion:
Server Shutdown
InfernoPvP was the first Network I was staff on I had applied and worked my way up to Platform-Admin.
Days after the release the Owners wanted to shut down the server because they had barely made enough money to keep it going after the 3rd map the owner had decided that since he didn't make enough money to just shut down the server and move onto other things

Position: Moderator+
I had applied on Vyrix after they had sold and rebranded to Vyrix had a big staff wipe so I thought it was the right time to apply during open interviews.
I had gotten accepted and worked my way up to moderator+ for 2 months. After a certain amount of time 3 fellow staff members had suspected, I was faking bans and proof because there was an increased amount of cheaters that were logging on. The staff members told the manager I had been freezing people and false banning them when In fact I was not I had found cheats on the players or banned them for blatant cheats but I guess since it was 3 against 1 the manager had taken the 3 other staff member's word against mine.

VaultPvP 3.0
Position: Head-Manager
VaultPvP had returned for a 3.0 and I was recruited as the Manager then promoted to the
Head-Manager after VaultPvP had merged with a server called "GamerzPvP". GamerzPvP had brought over a lot of staff and 2 new Owners. a lot of the newer staff members were extremely immature and young. They had caused issues for players and staff so I had decided to go ahead and terminate staff members. who were causing us issues. Doing that had caused the GamerzPvP owner to get mad. He already didn't like me for past issues we had but instead of working them out with me he decided to demote me because I was "Abusing my power and griefing the server"

HCKingdoms 2.0
Position: Senior-Admin
Resignation/Demotion: Resignation

I applied on HCKingdoms because I wanted to start staffing again, it had been 6 months since I had staffed on any server and I was searching for servers and came across HCKingdoms. I had applied and been accepted but the manager was someone who knew me and since they were low on staff the manager had referred me to the owners who had given me senior-admin. But after the server's release, many things had gone wrong. The reason I had left the server along with multiple other staff members after one of the owners “6D_” had started to give random people access to server information that would let people into the back-end, and access to the database which was compromising staff and player information. After multiple explanations, he continuously would do the same things and even at one point gave a regular player access to the console and the whole database which almost caused a database leak

Why would you like to become a staff member?

I want to become staff on SagePvP because I have been playing SagePvP for almost a year now, when I returned to the HCF community it was the first new server I heard about and I had loved my time on it. I had so much fun with my friends playing. I have seen a large amount of staff resigned so I would like to bring my qualities to the team to help as much as I possibly can. I also would like to learn from Sage and add it to my experience because Sage would be the first major server I would be staff on. I know it has bigger and stricter expectations which I feel would help me improve my ways of staffing.
If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?

I feel That I am a very Loyal person. You can count on me for anything. Just because I am having a rough day doesn't mean I am going to quit or give up on Sage I will continue to strive and do my best while staff at Sage.

I know as a staff member at Sage I am representing the server. This is why I am always Mature no matter where I am and who I am speaking to.
I can guarantee you I am never toxic towards anybody even if they are being disrespectful towards me or anybody I know.
Yes I have been immature in the past but since then I have matured and learned from those times.

Problem solving
When it comes to problem solving I am someone who can quickly and easily solve problems without causing bigger or more problems.
Sometimes staff members might freak out or be confused about how to solve a problem. Especially when it involves a threat like doing or swatting
I am someone who is always calm and patient so I can easily solve a problem without making the problem even worse.

Guiding fellow staff members
I know that not everyone knows what they are doing that is why we apply for staff and learn from our experiences. If a fellow staff member needs to help my goal is to help them learn from their mistakes not make fun of them for not knowing what to do and how to do something

If someone is to tell me I make not going to take it as an insult I take all negative feedback as constructive criticism. I always tell people don't be afraid to tell me if I messed up or did something wrong it helps me grow as a person

As someone who has been playing HCF since 2015 I know almost everything about being a player and not too long ago being a staff member. I also can easily adapt to a new environment if needed.

Respect is one of the key factors of gaining the trust of the players and your fellow staff members. Without respect, you can't have a friendly community.
I always put the player's priorities first meaning that I respect their opinions and what they think but always will correct them if they are wrong in any form.
I always am respectful towards the player no matter who it is or what they have said to me or to anybody in the community.

Without honesty, you can not have respect. I Always will be and am honest towards players no matter the situation, player, or anything said.

If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why?

I would rate my honesty a 9/10 because I only am dishonest in situations like doxing or something related to doxing, for example, a player comes into Teamspeak and tells me personal information about me or someone I know my goal is to lie to them and convince them it's not so they do not harm anyone.


Can any current staff members vouch for you?:
Unfortunately, I have nobody that can vouch for me.

Additional Information?
I would just like to thank everyone for taking time out of their day to read my application and I ask only one thing from you guys and its to leave feedback. Whether that feedback is in my favor or not it helps me improve as a person and helps me fix mistakes within myself!
Thank you once again and have a great day!

Contact me here:
Discord: @Bahar#9999
Telegram: BaharXD

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Active member
  • Decent experience.
  • Good staff member, worked with him before.
  • Can vouch for HCKingdoms.
  • Could use more detail, but good app over all.


  • Decent experience.
  • Good staff member, worked with him before.
  • Can vouch for HCKingdoms.
  • Could use more detail, but good app over all.
Thank you so much for your feed! Can you please provide a specific area I could add more detail too! Thank you!
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